Friday, August 31, 2007

Been Along Day

Okay very tired today I fought with Dreamweaver for hours trying to get some spry to work but it ended up it's a XML issue with IE7 specifically. This is not exactly my area of expertise but I think I'm getting close to a solution. Topside I have some more sketches from my sketch books. I think maybe I've been watching to much anime lately. I really love the impossible big curly hair though I hope I can render it up better. Down below I have a little graphic i worked up for my website whenever I can make Dreamweaver work for me. It's kinda spiffy. Well I'm gonna crash soon later everyone.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

A Few More From My Sketch Books

Just a few more collected sketches. You'll see more of these 3 later on. The lovely Medusa type at the bottom nickname is lil'mana or Li-ma. I'm sure some smart people can figure out at least some of the origin of this lovely lady. Li-ma is really fun to draw I'm not sure why maybe I just really like her snaky hair. I'm pretty tired again to night so no long post. Catch all of you later.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Things Fleshed Out And Things Finished

First up tonight we have a fully colored version of an earlier sketch. I was going for a high tech industrial. She's got a sleek candy coated under chaise with heavy utilitarian plating over it. I'm really happy with the way the top gray metallic armor plates came out. I want to give her some jet action out of her boots but i haven't quite got it right yet. It doesn't match up well with the rest of the way she been rendered out. If your wondering she will be another recurring character. Hopefully, if I get the time well see her out of the armor next week some time. Okay for our second post tonight we have a bit of comic humor. This was just going to be another blue sketch but I was feeling humorous and added the dialogue. You probably won't get this unless you read marvel comics and maybe not even then, but it made me chuckle. I'll make this in to a serious page in the future. Well that's it for tonight.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Another Late Night Post

Another character design I'm working with. Needs a little work and I'm too tired to write to much right now, but you'll see much more of her in the future. Later all sleep and dreams are calling.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Would Have Been Up Sooner But Life Happened.

Poor Alberto. He resigned today. The whole time I was watching his announcement I couldn't help but think he looked kinda like a wounded puppy. I drew this while watching him resign. The quote is the last thing he said before he walked of the stage. It's a nice enough thing to say as you leave a job I suppose. However given all the scandal and crap he's been involved in lately, it could be construed as unsettling. The kind of thing that could be followed by maniacal laughter. I'm sure he'll find a very cushy well paying job as he exits the government stage left. I wish you well man and good luck. He'll probably get dragged back to congress though to answer questions surrounding his faulty memory. Why is it when ever a government official doesn't want to talk about something they say "I don't recall."? It makes it look like there all brain dead or have alzheimer's. It not really a good reflection on our nations leadership.

Here is another Character Sketch from my recent sketchbooks. This is my rendition of Þrúðr. I bet very few of you know of Þrúðr. She is Thor's daughter. Oh you didn't know Thor has a daughter? He actually has several children. He has one child, Magni by his mistress Járnsaxa. Modi's mother is not explicitly stated but is most likely either Járnsaxa or Sif. Sif is the mother of Þrúðr and Ullr. Ullr is Thor's stepson from a previous marriage. I bet you though this kinda crap was a modern invention. Anyway, She looks really tough right? Well that's what I was going for in any case. Young but tough. I think the lip ring gives her some attitude. Okay okay the ax gives her attitude but still. I'm not sold on the ax as her primary weapon yet though. It's a design point I need to consider. I have a slice of another picture with her in it. Well that's it for today. Catch you all next time.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Inaugural Post - Now with pencils.

Just pulling a couple of sketches I'm working with this week. The first sketch is a collage of a few different characters. I'm working up all these characters for the same story. On a side note I really want a pair of those kind of shades. They probably don't come in prescription though, right? The second sketch is a redesign of some earlier character concepts. I'm going for a more mechanical feel with the character in the lower right. Well that's all for today. Catch you all later.