Monday, March 17, 2008

Laughter At Least Once A Day

I was listening to sound lab on NPR today. They were examining laughter, during which they did a story on infectious laughter it was really interesting. Today's sketch is inspired by laughter. I hope it makes you want to laugh. Night All.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Apple Stack Cake Is Yummy

Another day another attempt at making dessert. I made an apple stack cake. It came out really well at least visually. I'm letting it fuse it's goodness together overnight, so i'll find out if it tastes good tomorrow. Today's sketch is another quick digital of a japanese lady in traditional dress. The shapes kind of interesting. Night All.

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Still been a rough week. I make apple stack cake tomorrow as a test run for Easter. I'll let you know how it turns out. Today's sketch is a quick digital of a Japanese lady in traditional dress. I think it's just abstracted enough to be interesting with out losing too much of the image. Night All.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Seems A Bad Week For Posting

I seem to have been having trouble updating this week. I'll work on fixing that. Today's sketch is a quick digital paint of a sniper. I think it came out fairly well. Night All.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Couldn't Seem To Get Much Done

For some reason while I did a lot today, I didn't seem to get much done. Just one of those days, I guess. Today's sketch is obviously of Barack Obama. It's of him during one of his speeches. I particularly like his line recently about "the okey-doke". I know "the okey-doke". Do you? Night All.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Wow Sleepy

I know I missed posting yesterday and the day before I'm not really sure why I've just been really sleepy lately. Today's sketch is a quick digital paint. I like the energy of it. The colors are a little poppy but I guess it could work with the abstractness of the sketch. Okay headed to bed. Night All.

Friday, March 7, 2008

A Calm Day

It was a pretty calm day. One of the random sports channels on tv was showing a kendo kid's tournament. I was not only pretty cool but also really cute. Today's sketch is a quickie of a kid doing kendo. Night All.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Speedy Day or Speediest Day

Today just flew bye. I'm not really sure why. No new snow today, but I think there's some on the way. Today's picture is another quick digital sketch. This time it's of one of my characters Kaori. I like the angle and the way the glasses came out. Night All.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

OMG So Much Snow!

It snowed so much last night. Well about 6 inches or so. I only note this because it was about 50 degrees the previous day and rainy so our 6 to 8 inches had all but completely melted away. The snow was really cool though it was perfect packing snow with the consistency of damp sugar. That also made it heavy to shovel. I'm already aching, should have probably taken a break. Today's sketch is a quick digital marker sketch that came out unusually well. Night All.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

There Be Dragons

Another from a quick thumbnail. The character looks interesting so I'll probably work him up better at a later date. Tired now. Night All.

Monday, March 3, 2008


I spent most of the day at the DMV and making other phone calls. Today's sketches are quickie mock ups of two of the thumbnails I sketched at the DMV. I like how that turned out, so maybe I'll take them to a complete working sketch. Night all.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Feeling a little weighed down by a sore throat. Today's sketch is a quick digital of a fantasy genre warrior type. Why is it all the tank type warriors seem to have at least one really big shoulder pad? Night All.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Punch Not The Kind You Drink

Okay another quick digital today. The character is throwing a punch. I think it came out well even if it's a bit on the graphical illustration side. Okay tired Night All.